Counting Days

The best laid plans . . . , Robert Burns said.

In our case, a cold Monday and fresh snow on the streets upended my to-do list. No gym. No errands—which seemed so important to make note of on Sunday. Everything’s on hiatus.

Meanwhile, I’ve work to be done, this second week of the new year. In fact, I’ve been unusually enthusiastic (see previous blog) about work. 

Other writers have spoken of keeping writing logs. I tried doing the same, but crash landed very quickly. I think it’s because my thinking was trying for big chunks of labor.

But my current enthusiasms need to be praised and petted and attended to. Having been gifted with a small notebook about a year ago, I decided its time has come to be of use. I will keep track of each project I tackle.

Beginning January 2nd, I’ve managed to note any and all writing-related tasks performed—in brief. And color-coded. The colors are to help maintain some sense of balance. So far, I have multiple entries for every day other than New Year’s Day itself.

This year, I’m not going to complain about the days slipping by so fast. (Never say never! I still might complain.) However by keeping tabs on what is accomplished, I’ll have something to look back on. This year, I want to make every day count.