Looking back on the Old Year

Generally, the only yearly resolutions I make relate to writing.

The second item on my 2023 list states: “Complete Quantum Quest draft.” I certainly drew near to its climax but must confess, the draft remains incomplete. It has now moved to my 2024 list.

Neither did I complete the first item on the list: “Hidden Tower, review in Feb., send out queries.” I did receive a reading and consultation from Cordelia Jensen on the manuscript in February. And gave some thought to what needs revising, but am nowhere near sending out queries. That manuscript, too, has moved to 2024.

All well and good. Much more time was spent on an item not listed at all. That happened when I kept thinking about, and finally followed, my enthusiasm for reworking Sky’s Daughter into a verse-vignette novel. My pleasure in the result leads me to believe that above all else, one’s foremost resolution should be:

Pay attention. Follow your enthusiasm.

And now for the New

Sophie, following her enthusiasm for a long winter’s nap.

We rang in the New Year with a gathering of thirteen for coffee at 7 am on January first. My friend Rachel, who helped me prepare, told someone else, “These aren’t people who stay up late drinking.”

As one who rarely entertains, I had a great time. I’ll consider doing it again on a holiday, but not too soon. I had no energy, nor enthusiasm, for any other endeavors for the rest of the day. But after all, it was a holiday!

To all of my readers out there: 

May you have a fulfilling New Year

and may you follow your enthusiasms!