Paying Attention

Some time ago, I discovered that most of my (rare) falls happen when I’m ungrounded. I can walk and think, but only by keeping one piece of my mind sensing the ground beneath my feet. It was when I fell and broke my little finger that that lesson came clear. Every subsequent fall comes as a reminder.

So now let’s move on to the garage door. I believe, the garage door has been trying to catch my attention for several months. After thirty-odd years in this house, when backing the car out into the driveway, the impulse to hit the garage door gadget is automatic.

So I couldn’t understand how I might drive off, only to find the door wide open on my return. That first time came when I was eager to walk the two miles around the university golf course.

It happened again when I drove to the gym (again for exercise). Since then, there have been a couple more incidents. Had I forgotten to hit the control each time? 

Then one day, I actually glimpsed it reversing course just before it reached the ground. I hit the control again, it closed completely, and I was on my way. 

The Lesson

The last straw—the day I realized there was a lesson to be learned—happened last week. 

I drove out of the garage with my husband, my mind full of the four stops I intended to make. Almost to our first stop, my phone rang. I ignored it. 

Once parked, I discovered it was the neighbor across the street. He didn’t answer when I called back. Worried, my second stop was on my way home, so arrived at the library, I called again. This time I got through and learned our garage door was open—again!

I rushed home. Once the car was parked and the garage door closed, I realized my last two errands were nearby. Enough of this! The door being now closed, I was going to walk.

Walking is good for thought. I realized the garage door had a message. This time, the lesson is to be aware of where I am at all times, rather than letting my mind fly to the next stop on my agenda.

1) Back out of the garage.

2) Realize I’m in the driveway watching the door close.

3) Continue to be aware of where I am while driving in city traffic.

Amazing, how the universe works.