If you plant seeds—

be sure to water them.

I declared my intention to grow flowers in memory of my husband. He was a much better gardener than I. Of course, I had to weed first. Winter brought us a lot of rain, which resulted in an extra large crop of weeds (still undefeated). Many I can’t name, but my focus has been on wild mustard and fox tails. 

So I cleared a small area in front of our porch which unfortunately is protected by the eaves from rain. I then planted a mix of penstemon and bachelor buttons, hoping they’d not be in conflict. I did water initially, before getting distracted. A few seedlings are coming up.

The second and third beds, unfortunately, suffered from my distractions. I can’t identify anything as a purposeful seedling. However, the xeric plants are benefiting from my more frequent—if rather late to the party—waterings. There’s some comfort in that. Plus volunteer violas are popping up in all the beds. Those seeds must be opportunists, waiting for the water. Welcome, violas! 

In the backyard, I planted six tomato plants in two raised beds, and surrounded each batch of three with bachelor button seeds. Happily, those seeds have responded to daily watering. Someday they will shine!

Other plantings

In writing, you have to plant words. Yes, you might face the task of weeding out misplaced or intrusive ones, but sowing all possible seeds is the only way of arriving—eventually—with a book.

Words that pop into my head, but don’t get written down are lost, usually forever. Ideas as well. 

This morning in the pre-dawn, the idea popped into my head that I needed to look into other points of view as I resume the struggle to achieve the climax to Quantum Quest, which will complete my sci-fi trilogy. I jotted down a new point of view, and felt like I might actually—someday— reach my goal. But it will require daily waterings and probably a dose of fertilizer as well.

What have you planted lately?